D Day

February 4, next Monday, is when I’ll be starting the Fuhrman diet plan. I need to eat up all my bread and margarine by then, because I won’t be eating any more for the next year or so. I will be eating a shitload (literally, I suspect) of greens, broccoli, carrots, mushrooms, onions, berries, and beans, however.

This plan is basically devoid of added fat, but something I’m realizing: I don’t need fat on raw vegs, and I don’t need fat in soup. I also don’t need fat in smoothies. Cooked vegs, I seem to need some kind of fat or oil, so I’m thinking I’ll be mainly eating smoothies, soups, salads, and raw vegs with various bean dips. These things I can eat in practically unlimited quantities. They say “don’t overeat,” but it’s pretty much impossible to stuff oneself on vegetables and beans without fat added.

I don’t want to tempt the gods of fat to sit on me, so I’ll stop myself from saying that it’s quite possible I could be 50 pounds lighter next year at this time.

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