In the beginning was the green

I’m overwhelmed. I have access to thousands of green smoothie recipes, several books about living on plant foods, motivation up the wazoo, and I don’t know where to begin.

Should I eat up everything in my pantry and then start? Should I go cold turkey and throw or give away every inadvisable foodstuff I own? (Have to get the Vitamix first.) Maybe I should start with one smoothie a day for breakfast, then have a big salad for lunch and steamed veggies for dinner.

How much is 90% plants? Is that by volume, by calorie count, by weight? Where did I get that 90% figure anyway? I don’t know. Somewhere amidst all the head-swirling paragraphs of info I’ve been devouring over the past few days.

Whatever. I’ll get it sorted it out. All I know is I’m emotionally incapable of eating animals anymore. I’m more than 100 pounds over my ideal weight (would be thrilled to death to be only 30 or 40 over again, frankly). I’m through with my second Saturn return and the sand is still flowing steadily through the hourglass. I have big plans for the last third of my life. And I won’t be able to achieve them without health and energy.

So here goes. I think I’ll try the Simple Green Smoothies 30-Day Challenge.